NOKIA 3310 LCD (LPH7779): Various routines. |
The NOKIA LCD has 84x48 pixels. We devide this in 6 rows of 14 characters. Each character is 6 pixels wide and 8 pixels high. 1) Command routine, "bytefornokia" is sent as command byte. 2) Data routine, "bytefornokia" is sent as data byte. 3) Main routine to send data or commands (d or c) to the LCD. 4) Nokia LCD Position cursor. Example: nokia_gotoxy(54,4); this moves the cursor to x (pixelcolumn) 54 and y (characterrow) 4. 5) Write message to LCD (C string type) Example: nokia_printmessage("Seize the day"); this will print the text "Seize the day" 6) Write 1 character to LCD. Example: nokia_printchar('@'); this will print the character "@"
Graphic LCD module type LPH7779 (NOKIA 3310 LCD) Also see the PCD8544 datasheet.
Hi-Tech PICC:
1) void
4) void nokia_gotoxy (byte xnokia, byte ynokia)
// Nokia LCD Position cursor |