PIC to PC USB 2.0 interface with FT245BM

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  Here is an example of how to interface a PIC18F452 to a PC  via the USB port.

The windows-pc (98, Me, 2000, XP, 2003) runs a program (C# application, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003) to communicate with the USB interface, which transfers data to and from the PIC18F452.

Many thanks to FTDI to deliver royalty-free drivers (FTD2XX.dll) and to KOPF to develop the needed library (AID.dll)

All parts are available in our online shop.

Schematic (Eagle 4.11e), PIC source code (CCS) , PIC hex file, C# code and application available for download.

Circuit explanation:



PIC example (18f452) < > USB interface (FT245BM) < > PC program (C# application)



PIC example (18F452:)

The PIC captures the ambient temperature with a SPI sensor TC77. Its value is then transferred to the USB-interface.


USB interface (FT245BM:)

The USB interface will have to be recognized as a device by Windows. Basically, there are two ways of doing this. Either with a VCP (Virtual COM Port) or with a D2XX (Direct) driver. We will use the D2XX driver here for its high speed. It is more complicated to start up than VCP, but why not going the extra mile?

The FT245BM chip comes with a fixed VID (0403) and PID (6001). We can override this with our own VID (ECDE),  PID (0001), our own Product Description (TechDesign USB Device 017) and serial number (FEDC0001). These settings are stored in an  external SPI EEPROM 93C46. To program these settings, FTDI made a utility called MProg EEPROM programming utility.

When plugging in for the first time and with a blank (or without) EEPROM, you will notice that the interface is seen as "USB device" and after its driver is installed, it will be recognized as a "FTDI FT8U2XX Device". Now we can program the EEPROM with our custom settings. To do this, run MProg, open the file 017_USB_id.ept and program (choose "Device", then "Program"). After this, unplug the interface briefly and plug it in again. It will now be recognized as a  "TechDesign USB Device 017". Acknowledge a couple of times to install it and you are done.

Note that this project will also work without an EEPROM, but in that case you will have to make do with the fixed VID & PID.


PC program (C# application:)

A dll file is performing the communication between the C# application and our USB-interface. It must be placed in the same directory as the exe-file below. Acknowledgements to KOPF for providing this dll and the example "USBTransfer.exe" on which this application is based.

The C# application can be run on any Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP, 2003 platform. It will show the temperature reading captured with the PIC (see above). Here is a quick link to its main form. Download the msi (Microsoft installer file) below to install the application.

You need to have Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 (or higher) installed to be able to run the executable.


Schematics: right-click & "save picture as" for full resolution or (recommended) download the eagle-files below.


PIC example (18F452)

USB interface (FT245BM)



Main connections:

  1= D0  RD0, pin19     2= +5v  VDD, pin11 & 32
  3= D1  RD1, pin20     4= !RSTOUT  not connected
  5= D2  RD2, pin21     6= GND  GND, pin12 & 31
  7= D3  RD3, pin22     8= !PWREN out  RB2, pin35
  9= D4  RD4, pin27    10= !RXF out  RB6, pin39
 11= D5  RD5, pin28    12= !TXE out  RB5, pin38
 13= D6  RD6, pin29    14= WR in  RB4, pin37
 15= D7  RD7, pin30    15= !RD in  RB3, pin36
  The 16-pin pinhead allows fast prototyping development.


This way you do not need to buy a brand new FT245BM for each and every development you make.

This means that one pinhead at the interface-side and one at the PIC-side are needed.

Connection between two pinheads is made with regular flatcable.



Downloads: right-click & "save as"


 WARNING: may not be duplicated for any commercial use whatsoever without explicit consent from the author (c) Michel Bavin


 PIC example
 Schematic: 017_pic_01.sch (Eagle 4.11e), October 24, 2004 and eagle_lib.zip (Important: copy these to your \eagle\lbr directory).
 PCB: 017_pic_01.brd (Eagle 4.11e), October 24, 2004.
 CCS Source code: pic_017_04.c , November 7, 2004.
 PIC Hex file: pic_017_04.HEX (to program the PIC) November 7, 2004.
 USB interface
 Schematic: 017_ft_01.sch (Eagle 4.11e), October 24, 2004 and eagle_lib.zip (Important: copy these to your \eagle\lbr directory).
 PCB: 017_ft_01.brd (Eagle 4.11e), October 24, 2004.
 D2XX (Direct) Windows driver: FTD2XX_TechDesign_driver.zip
 USB in-circuit EEPROM programming utility: MProg and 017_USB_id.ept (open in MProg and program the EEPROM with the custom VID and PID).
 Windows Application
 C# source code:  Csharp_017v12.zip (Visual Studio .NET 2003), November 11, 2004.
 Windows executable & DLL:  TechDesign_017v12.msi (complete application install and shortcut on your desktop) November 11, 2004.

Important Note: You need to have Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 (or higher) installed to get the executable running.


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Info & datasheet:

FT245BM USB interface chip from FTDI.



PCB USB interface (FT245BM)


Windows application



PCB PIC example (18F452)



Check out our development tools page.

The Windows application was made with C# (Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003).

The PIC code was made with the PCWH CCS compiler ($500,-); you can install Microchip's MPLAB IDE (click on the link and you can get it for free) with it to get things running smoothly.

Programming of the PIC was done with the excellent Tiny PIC bootloader, through the RC6 & RC7 pins. However you will need a regular PIC programmer to write the PIC the first time with...

Eagle 4.11e was used for the schematic & PCB layout. 

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