Menu & display structure:

Tasks LCD LEDs action to be taken
Device select: (one of six) (example) "DVD" "Select task" 00000  (f.e TV) press TV device key
"TV" "Select task" 00010 (0,2sec rep.) none

IR Transmit mode (when a command key was pressed)


(example) "TV" "Transmit mode" 00010 (0,2 sec) none
IR Receive & program a command key: (example)'TV" "Select task" 00000 press PROGRAM key
'TV" "Program Key?" 00010 (3sec) press a command key
"TV" "Waiting for IR" "k116" 11010 (xsec) point the original TV remote at the IR receiver & press the command to be copied.
"TV" "OK, IR valid" (success) or

"TV" "Try again !!!" (failed)


10010 (0,5sec)



IR Details ON/OFF:

(in idle mode) display full IR info or not.

(example) "TV" "Select task" 00000 press ENTER key
"TV" "details on" 00000 none
Soft reset: resets the processor. (example) "TV" "Select task" 00000 press PROGRAM key
'TV" "Program Key?" 00010 (3sec) press PROGRAM key
'TV" "Soft reset?" 01000 (3sec) press ENTER key
Backup mode: (example) "TV" "Select task" 00000 press PROGRAM key
'TV" "Program Key?" 00010 (3sec) press PROGRAM key
'TV" "Soft reset?" 01000 (3sec) press PROGRAM key
'TV" "Backup data?" 11000 (3sec) press ENTER key
"Backup" "Saving... xxx" 10000 (110sec) none
Restore mode: (example) "TV" "Select task" 00000 press PROGRAM key
'TV" "Program Key?" 00010 (3sec) press PROGRAM key
'TV" "Soft reset?" 01000 (3sec) press PROGRAM key
'TV" "Backup data?" 11000 (3sec) press PROGRAM key
'TV" "Restore data?" 10000 (3sec) press ENTER key
"Restore" "Loading... xxx" 01000 (110sec) none
Reset init:

resets the eight fixed keys, so you can alter their place on the key-matrix. Leaves all other data unchanged. !! Init mode will be started subsequently.


(example) "TV" "Select task" 00000 press PROGRAM key
'TV" "Program Key?" 00010 (3sec) press PROGRAM key
'TV" "Soft reset?" 01000 (3sec) press PROGRAM key
'TV" "Backup data?" 11000 (3sec) press PROGRAM key
'TV" "Restore data?" 10000 (3sec) press PROGRAM key
'TV" "Reset init?" 10111 (3sec) press ENTER key
Sleep mode (after 20 sec of idle mode) blank (empty screen) 00000 none
Idle mode (when no key was pressed) (example) "TV" "Select task" 00000 none
Init mode:

Initialization of the eight fixed keys:

(runs automatically at first boot & is saved in the external EEPROM)


"Keys init:" "Program key?" 01000 (3sec) select PROGRAM key
"Keys init:" "Enter key?" 01111 (3sec) select ENTER key
"Keys init:" "Aux key?" 01001 (3sec) select Aux device key
"Keys init:" "TV key?" 01010 (3sec) select TV device key
"Keys init:" "HiFi key?" 01011 (3sec) select Hifi device key
"Keys init:" "CD key?" 01100 (3sec) select CD device key
"Keys init:" "DVD key?" 01101 (3sec) select DVD device key
"Keys init:" "Video key?" 01110 (3sec) select Video device key

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